Radio - What Happened?

Episode #19: Our talk with producer/director Roger King about his documentary "I Am What I Play". Great conversation about this incredible movie about 4 jocks who were strong enough to play what they wanted. And a replay of our Music Montage #2.


How many of you ever worked somewhere where you could play the songs you wanted to play?  I'm guessing not many.  But, back in the 60's/70's, there were a few who had a strong enough following, that management had no choice but to let them play what they wanted.  "I Am What I Play" is a documentary about those 4 individuals, produced and directed by Roger King, our guest this week on "Radio: What Happened".  Also, a replay of our Music Montage #2 -- I guess it was a little tougher than the last one - no winner yet. Come on people, you can do it!  Hope you enjoy this week's episode and as always, share with your friends.